13 Medals for Poland in EuroSkills 2023 Industry Competition!


Poland won three medals in new technologies in Euroskills Gdańsk 2023.

First of all, two gold in electronics prototyping and integration of robotic systems. Additionally, one bronze in digital construction. In total, Polish representatives won 3 gold, 1 silver, and 3 bronze medals. They had got 6 medals of excellence for obtaining a minimum of 700 points in the competition as well. Austria won the most awards (27), and Switzerland the most gold medals (12 out of 15 disciplines in which it competed). By comparison, Poland in the last category was the 5th.

About Finals

The European finals of the 8th edition of the EuroSkills 2023 competition were held in Gdańsk. After all, not in Saint Petersburg due to Russia’s entry into the war with Ukraine. As a matter of fact, it is the most significant event in the field of vocational training and skills development in Europe combining the industrial, social, and educational sectors. During three days of competition, nearly 600 people aged 18-25 from 32 European countries performed in 42 contests. Their skills were assessed by over 500 experts from all over Europe, who first supported the national teams in their preparations. To summarize, the finals were organized with the FRSE, WorldSkills Poland, WorldSkills Europe, the City of Gdańsk, and AmberExpo Gdańsk.

EuroSkills Gdańsk 2023
Polish medalists in EuroSkills Gdańsk 2023

Medals for Poland in Euroskills 2023

Poland was represented by 41 people in 36 disciplines, selected from the SkillsPoland Gdańsk 2022. Out of 13 medals, three were won by representatives of new technologies. Firstly, Jan Firlej won the gold medal in electronics. Secondly, Hubert Krasuski and Piotr Wyrzyk won the same medal in robot integration. In turn, the bronze medal was won by Dorota Cieślicka in digital construction. It is a significant improvement compared to EuroSkills Graz 2021, when Poland, taking part in 16 competitions, won only 3 bronze medals. But none in new technologies, only in cooking, floristry, and welding. All in all, the European finals have been organized since 2006. Still, Poland has been participating in them for 5 years. For example, during its first start in EuroSkills Budapest 2018, it won only 1 medal of excellence for cooking.

EuroSkills Gdańsk 2023
Gold medalists from Poland in EuroSkills Gdańsk 2023

What’s more, the awards ceremony took place at the Polsat Plus Arena stadium in Gdańsk. It was honored by Teija Ripattila, Chairwoman of the Management Board of WorldSkills Europe. She was invited by Prof. Paweł Poszytek, official delegate of WorldSkills Polska and general director of the FRSE.

The ceremony ended with the handing over of the WorldSkills Europe flag to the following EuroSkills host country, Denmark. In 2 years the competition will be held in Herning. The WorldSkills world finals, organized since 1999, will be held next year in Lyon (France). A year ago, due to the cancellation of the competition in Shanghai, it was held in 15 countries in 62 contests. Poland then won 1 bronze medal and three medals of excellence. It also competed in WorldSkills Kazan 2019, winning only 1 award of excellence.

Read more about Euroskills Gdańsk 2023.

And about winners from Poland: gold in electronics, gold in robot integration and bronze in digital construction.

And about IGF 2021, UN Digital Summit in Poland for the 1st time.